This was the scene at Madrona Grove's Summer Fruit Stand at Building Earth Farm in December of 2011; a great photo taken by a neighbor on her morning walk. Now it's February 2013. We've made it through the deepest, darkest aspects of Winter; this year without any snow to speak of. Daffodils and crocus are starting to pop up everywhere; buds are swelling on trees and shrubs and Spring pushes past the chill and dark of Winter to offer us markers of Summer's promise. We're still eating last Summer's fruit from the pantry and freezer; ever grateful for the amazing bounty that comes to us from Eastern Washington fruit farmers, and dreaming those warm dreams of fresh berries, cherries, apricots...and so the list of deliciousness begins. Snuggle in against the lingering frosty bite and dream your own warm dreams of Summer; we'll be seeing you soon!